Bootstrap 4 Navbar | Bootstrap 4 Navbar Tutorial — DesignHub4u

Kishan Pindariya
4 min readDec 2, 2019

Hey Guys, I hope you are pretty good! In this tutorial of Bootstrap 4. Today we will learn how to use Bootstrap 4 Navbar with lots of examples. Bootstrap directory provides us many examples and many methods for making a navbar. We also can use colors in a navbar using bootstrap specific colors which we are using in all the examples. I hope you will like this tutorial. So, guys, let’s get started.

What is Bootstrap 4 Navbar

When you can open any websites you will see the navbar common in all the website. The main use of the navbar on every website. to make a website easier and more user-friendly to access and visite the full website. you can access main parts and move one page to another page just clicking on the navbar. also user can directly search the topic which their interests. normally the navbar is placed ate top of the website. but there we can not have any rule of the navbar you can place anywhere you want to place.

Basic Of Navigation Bar: The class is used to create a simple navbar on the website using bootstrap 4. If you want your navbar to responsive then you have to use .navbar-expand-xl|lg|md|sm classes. basically the xl, lg, md, and sm are the sizes of the devices where you want your navbar responsive. for example, if you want your navbar collapsible in the mobile to laptop view then you have to use .navbar-expand-lg class. This will make your navbar collapsible in the mobile to laptop views, But when your website will open then .navbar-expand-lg class will work and make your navbar expanded. The class is used to create nav links. when you are adding navigation items in the navbar then you have to use classes. you can create your navbar using tags. Let’s see the example of the normal navbar.

1. Simple Navbar Example

This is the light background example of the navbar. You can change colors of background as per your need using bootstrap 4 bg color classes. Like .bg-light, .bg-dark, .bg-success, .bg-danger and many more. you just have to add a class in the <nav> tag of HTML.

2. Vertical Navbar of Bootstrap 4

You can also set your navbar in the vertical-align. This is very easy to create you have to remove only once class .navbar-expand-xl|lg|md|sm. Which you have added in the tag. Let’s see the example of Vertical Navbar.


3. Centered Navbar of Bootstrap 4

Bootstrap also provides a navbar to be center. using only. justify-content-center class. This class helps the navbar to justify the center. Let’s go on the practical example of the center navbar.


4. Navbar with Logo and Dropdowns

In all the websites you have seen a navbar with logo and dropdowns. This is too easy for create. Now, we will go to create a navbar with a logo and dropdowns. using .navbar-brand and classes. you can create a dropdown in the navbar which we have created in the Bootstrap 4 Dropdown tutorial. if you don’t know how to create a dropdown then read the post.


5. Fixed Navbar of Bootstrap 4

You can fixe your navbar in the top or bottom as per your need. Here bootstrap provides classes for that. If you want your navbar to fixed to top then you have to use class. and also if you want your navbar to fixed in the bottom then you have to use .fixed-bottom class. let’s see the example


6. Collapsing Navbar of Bootstrap 4

To create a collapsing navbar you have to do some changes and you have to use some extra elements or classes. you have to add in the button of navbar class=” navbar-toggle”, data-toggle=”collapse” and data-target=”#idNameHere”. and also you have to add one class in the div of contents. which name .collapse, .navbar-collapse. Let’s see the example wich makes you sure about this concept.


Read Also

1. Introduction of Bootstrap 4

2. What is the difference between Bootstrap 3 and Bootstrap 4?

3. Advantages of Using Bootstrap 4

4. Online or Offline? How should you use bootstrap 4 Online or Offline? Why?

5. Bootstrap 4 Grid System with Separated Examples

6. Bootstrap 4 Tables with structured and easy examples

7. Bootstrap 4 Buttons with structured and easy examples

8. Bootstrap 4 Cards with structured and easy examples

9. Bootstrap 4 Dropdowns with structured and easy examples

10. Bootstrap 4 Navs with structured and easy examples

11. Bootstrap 4 Navbar with structured and easy examples

** Conclusion **

I hope this concept of Bootstrap 4 navbar is now clearn in your mind. if you have any kind of questions then don’t be hesitate for that. Ask your questions in the bottom comment box and also ask your questions on the ask-question page. I will replay to all the answers to your questions in a very short time.

Originally published at on December 2, 2019.

